It’s Been a Fantastic Experience for Me

It’s Been a Fantastic Experience for Me

ENGINEER OFFICER CASE STUDY We chat with Stuart Weir, Second Engineer Unlimited, about his training and career offshore ENGINEER OFFICER CASE STUDY We chat with Stuart Weir, Second Engineer Unlimited, about his training and career offshore Stuart was very candid when...
It’s Been a Fantastic Experience for Me

This is the Career for Me

ENGINEER OFFICER CASE STUDY We chat with George Ineson whilst he is halfway through his Engineer training at college and offshore ENGINEER OFFICER CASE STUDY We chat with George Ineson whilst he is halfway through his Engineer training at college and offshore George...
On the Bridge at Sea around The World

On the Bridge at Sea around The World

DECK OFFICER CASE STUDY Conversation with Lewis Wedderburn-Scott – Mate soon to be Master Lewis was interested from a young age in exploring the chance of working on ships and travelling around the world –  and having successfully developed his career off-shore he...