Application Process
Apply Now for a Career at Sea in the Merchant Navy
SSTG Application Process leading to a Career at Sea
The SSTG follows a simple process which as outlined below.
Throughout the process the SSTG will provide impartial and comprehensive advice for your career at sea.
The SSTG recruitment process:
- On-line application submitted by candidate.
- Applications reviewed by a Senior Recruitment Officer and candidates are selected for interview. At this stage in the process some applicants may be required to take part in a telephone interview before being considered for interview.
- Invited candidates attend SSTG interview.
- Successful candidates will sometimes be required to attend a second interview with one of our member shipping companies before being offered sponsorship.
- Offer of sponsorship issued.
If you believe you have what it takes to succeed with a career at sea as a ship’s Deck, Engineer or Electro-Technical Officer in the Merchant Navy, we look forward to hearing from you
Apply Online
Apply on-line for Sponsorship for your Career at Sea
The first stage in the process is to submit an online application.
Applying for training with SSTG
You will need to have the following information available to complete the process:
- Personal details. These will need to include your contact details, full postal address, etc.
- Details of all academic and vocational qualifications held.
- You will be asked to provide a personal statement of up to 750 words during the process.
The Online Process – Save and Return:
When you start the online application process you will be asked for your e-mail address. Make sure that this is an e-mail address that you know to be secure and is also one that you access regularly.
Once your e-mail address is registered you will be emailed with the link so that you can save the part completed form and return to it at a later date to completed the process.
The unsubmitted form will only remain on the SSTG online database for a maximum period of 28 days after which time all data will be deleted.
Guidelines on completing an application:
At busy times of the year we receive a considerable number of applications each day. To ensure your application can be processed quickly please carefully follow these guidelines:
- Complete every field on the application form. Boxes left blank will not help your application
- Include all relevant information. We cannot take information into account when assessing your application if this is missing.
- Do not use abbreviations that we may not recognise.
- Use correct English grammar and carefully check all spelling.
Apply Now:
We hope you have found the above guidance helpful. If you think you have what it takes to succeed in a career at sea as a Ship’s Officer we look forward to hearing from you. You can access the on-line application process here.
If you need any further information about the Officer specialisation you want to apply for follow these links:
Your SSTG Interview for a Career at Sea
This article provides prospective candidates with information on how to prepare for an interview with the SSTG.
Booking an interview:
If you are selected for interview we will send you an e-mail within 28 days of applying asking you to contact the recruitment team by telephone to make an appointment. We will try and take your preferences into account, so have any preferred dates available when you contact us. At busy times of the year you will need to be flexible as interview schedules do fill up quickly.
Usually interviews will be held at our head office in Rochester, Kent, but occasionally these may be held elsewhere.
Travel arrangements
You are required to make your own travel arrangements to arrive at the interview on time. If you are running late for any reason, keep us advised by telephone.
If you arrive in Rochester early let our reception team know and if we are able to see you earlier than your scheduled appointment, we will do so.
Reasonable travel costs will be reimbursed. If you choose to travel by car we will reimburse you at 20p per mile, unless a cheaper fare is available by public transport. We cannot reimburse overnight accommodation charges.
What you are required to bring with you:
When attending an SSTG interview you must have the following items with you:
- A valid passport.
- Academic certifications and written proof of any other qualifications held.
- Proof of your home address.
- Bank details form.
- Travel receipts.
- Two standard passport photographs.
You must bring the originals of the documents listed above. We will also need a photocopy of each document.
The interview:
The interview with a friendly member of our recruitment team will be informal to put you at ease. You are expected to have made an effort to be smartly dressed. It is also important that we can see that you have thoroughly researched the training you expect to receive for your chosen course, have a good understanding as to what to expect from a career at sea, and also be confident in your presentation.
You should allow up to two hours for the interview but for most applicants the interview time is likely to be slightly shorter than this.
We expect the interview process to be a two-way process so we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
The final part of the interview will include a discussion about the college you may undertake your training at, the training programme you might follow and the type of vessels you would prefer to undertake your sea service on whilst under training. Make sure you have done your research into each of these areas and be ready to discuss in detail any preferences you may have.
It is important to apply as soon as you can as available career opportunities quickly reduce as their start dates get closer.
Opportunities will vary for Deck, Engineer or Electro-Technical Officer Cadet training programmes.
To be successful at the SSTG interview you will need to:
- Have done your research.
- Impress the interviewer.
- And in our opinion – ‘have what it takes’.
Good Luck!
SSTG Offer of Sponsorship leading to a Career at Sea
Following a successful interview process, offers of sponsorship are made by e-mail.
Offers will be subject to obtaining a Seafarers Medical (without any restrictions) and any outstanding academic requirements being met. Other conditions may be attached to an offer, which must be satisfied prior to any candidate commencing training.
Each offer will include a deadline for acceptance and all offers will automatically lapse at this time unless accepted in writing beforehand.
The issue of an offer of training and its acceptance is a formal process and this should be kept in mind when responding.
Acceptance of an offer may be made by e-mail or by letter. If responding by e-mail you should also send a copy to the Training Officer appointed to oversee you training.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the process please contact us for advice.
Whether you are applying as a Deck, Engineer or Electro Technical Officer, these fact sheets should tell you all you need to know to guide you through the process of obtaining sponsorship with the SSTG.
Start Your Career
Our experienced team of recruitment and training officers can provide you with help and guidance on roles and vacancies – and support in applying for sponsorship.
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Tel: +44 (0) 1634 820 820
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